Specialist for restaurants and event catering (m/f/d)

1,100 € in the 1st year of apprenticeship, 1,200 € in the 2nd year of apprenticeship, and 1,300 € in the 3rd year of apprenticeship.

3-jährige duale Ausbildung mit 1 bis 2 Tagen pro Woche Berufsschulunterricht. Besonders geeignet für Restaurants und Veranstaltungen sind offene und freundliche Menschen, die gerne im Team arbeiten. Der Umgang mit Gästen ist Teil des täglichen Lebens, dabei helfen Kommunikations- und Verkaufstalent. Wer gut organisieren kann und auch bei Hektik Ruhe und Überblick behält, ist in diesem Beruf richtig. Fremdsprachen sind von Vorteil. Fachleute für Restaurants und Veranstaltungsgastronomie haben das Wohlergehen ihrer Gäste im Blick – ob beim Dinner oder bei der großen Tagung, ob bei der einzigartigen Hochzeitsfeier oder im täglichen à la carte-Service. Sie haben die Gastgeber-Rolle im Restaurant, an der Bar und bei den unterschiedlichsten Arten von Veranstaltungen. Sie beherrschen alle Abläufe, vom saison- und anlassbezogenen Vorbereiten der Räume über das Beraten der Gäste und das fachgerechte Servieren von Getränken, Speisen und Menüs bis zur Rechnungserstellung.

The ReVas are the bridge between kitchen and guest, they have the know-how to be able to explain the origin, taste and preparation of food and drinks to the guests. They are familiar with trends in food and drink. No matter how lively things get, they maintain an overview and coordinate the entire catering operation.

Gastro & Event - the new power couple in training! The specialists for restaurants and event catering have been completely repositioned as full professionals around all types of events. From the conception of meetings, banquets and celebrations to their organization and implementation - they have the overview and the strings in their hands.

  • 3-year dual training program
  • Entry date after arrangement
  • Duty hours vary, depending on department

Your future tasks:

  • Designing the guest experience as a host
  • Advise guests on food and beverages
  • Sales promotion
  • Professional serving of food and beverages
  • Making coffee specialties and cocktails
  • Organization of service processes
  • Planning and organizing events
  • Dealing with billing and reservation systems
  • Sustainability and hygiene
  • Guidance and leadership of employees and work in a team

Professional Requirements:

  • Secondary school diploma
  • Enjoy working with and for people
  • Teamwork and communication skills
  • Good manners, pleasant appearance
  • Quick comprehension
  • Organizational and sales talent
  • Diligence and sense of responsibility
  • Computational skills

Further training opportunities after successful completion of training:

The most diverse areas of the catering and event industry are open to trained ReVas. The broad training and diverse opportunities for further education open doors to a wide variety of career paths, including abroad. In restaurants, junior professionals often start as Commis de Rang and progress toward restaurant management. In hotels, food and beverage management, banquet and event departments offer exciting entry-level opportunities. Some ReVas also choose to work as bartenders for event or convention organizers. Advancement to F&B manager or restaurant director, for example, is possible. Others become self-employed and open their own restaurant.

Teaser image

Personal Requirements:

We offer:

    Short treatment


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