Space to recharge your batteries

Our wellness philosophy

A warm purism runs through the entire building, and you will encounter warm staff and friendly guests in the corridors. Everywhere you will find enough space to recharge your batteries. Here you can simply be who you are. In the spa you will experience cold and heat. You swim, you rest, you relax, you enjoy. This is what the DIEDRICH Wellnesshotel & Spa feels like.

A woman stands on the terrace near the outdoor pool and snuggles up in her bathrobe
A couple sits on a bench along the hiking trail and looks at the half-timbered town of Hallenberg in clear summer weather

Seeing Land Again

Hello leisure, old friend. In the Duden dictionary, leisure is described as "free time and [inner] peace in which one can pursue one's own interests." And honestly, when do we really have enough time and space for that in our everyday lives? We want you to be able to devote yourself to whatever you feel like - without any ifs or buts.

As an Adults only wellness hotel, we offer holistic getaways - without children and without dogs. Just so that we are understood correctly: Of course we love children and dogs. The decision to run our house as an adult hotel is about the following for us: As wonderful as these make our everyday life, it also does us good to just take a little time out really just for ourselves. Having time for yourself and paying attention to yourself is what we believe wellness is essentially about. Especially young children and also dogs structure our daily routine in a determining way due to their needs. We know this well, living in also in our family a toddler as well as a wonderful dog - and as much as we love our daughter and appreciate our dog: Sometimes it's nice to focus only on our own wishes.

The time we take is the time that gives us something.

Ernst Ferstl (Austrian teacher and writer, *1955)

The joy of feeling

We are all about you. Or more precisely: We are about you. We want our hotel to be a place of strength for you. To relax and pause. To discover and feel. To arrive and feel good. To enjoy and experience. We offer you the space, you bring the time. Moments arise from space and time.

Wellness does not just mean relaxing, but is rather a holistic pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. This essentially involves four pillars: relaxation, nutrition, exercise and emotional, social well-being. They are wonderful guideposts for a positive attitude towards life and a life in inner balance.

Spa area

A woman lies snuggled up on her side on a bed in the relaxation area of the wellness hotel and sleeps.
Shot of the outdoor sunbathing terrace in front of the large panoramic windows of the indoor pool at Hotel Diedrich
A smiling woman in a bathrobe relaxes in an armchair and drinks a fruity cocktail in the wellness bistro.
Two women enjoy a candlelit dinner in a restaurant, with wine and healthy food.

Pleasure & tradition

Diet that keeps you healthy and lively

A healthy diet is important and includes not only the what - but also the how. We value the sustainable cultivation of vegetables, the consumption of meat from organic sources and focus on regional products rather than the constant availability of exotic foods. Our dishes are fresh and prepared using regional and seasonal ingredients wherever possible. Here, for example, you can enjoy coffee from the neighboring town of Medebach, bread from nearby Sachsenberg (15 km) and heavenly jam from Gemünden (31 km).

Essen ist kostbar. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie es bei uns mit allen Sinnen probieren. Das Frühstücksbüffet hat bis 11:30 Uhr geöffnet, tagsüber können Sie zwischen 12:00 Uhr und 16:00 Uhr die Kleinigkeiten unserer Tageskarte genießen. Ein leckeres Abendmenü in entspannter Atmosphäre lässt jeden Wellnesstag perfekt enden.

Culinary delights

If you do not find tranquility within yourself, it is in vain to seek it elsewhere.

François de La Rochefoucauld (French man of letters, 1613 - 1680)

Our favorite place in the world: Hallenberg

Exercise for body, mind and soul

Gentle, extreme, stimulating or calming, whether a walk or a bike ride through the beautiful Sauerland region, jogging on the treadmill or a round of swimming lost in thought: Rediscover the joy of movement with us. Our charming "Haus der Mitte" is a wonderful place to slip a little closer to your inner center during inspiring yoga or mediation courses.

Truly nothing is as wonderful as time spent together. It is often not material things that give our lives their value, but rather the sum of the memories we have spent with loved ones. Memories that we like to think back on.

During a wellness vacation with your loved ones, you can focus on exactly these moments. Spend carefree time together, reminisce, make plans together - and consciously enjoy each other's presence.

Summer in Hallenberg

Three people walking through the lush green forest near Hallenberg